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苍白无力网2024-09-20 15:22:21【娱乐】5人已围观

简介lol最稀有的20个皮肤在maya中模型制作完成后需要对场景进行清理优化,这是必须的步骤,制作动画的朋友应该都是知道的。但是要清理哪些数据可能就不是所有人都知道的了。本次给大家带来的FlippedNormals制作的视频教学 极品飞车手机版下载


– Freeze transformation. – Check for flipped normals. – Center pivot on all objects. – Asset at origin of the grid – It it facing the front view? – Name everything – Clean Outliner – Cleanup of the mode: check for ngons, tries, non manifold geometry, etc – Delete display layers – Delete History – The render stats are all set to active – Check your scale – Disable smoothing (3) – Make sure that the model is symmetrical. Is the center line going through the model COMPLETELY centered in the X-axis? – Delete selection sets – Make sure that the front, side, top, persp cameras are hidden – No UVs outside of the UV space
